Minimum staffing requirement: Thank you?

Apr 14, 2023 | Minimum Staffing, CMS' PBJ Policies

Minimum staffing requirement: Thank you?

“The only way to assure there is enough staff in a skilled nursing facility is to implement a minimum staffing requirement.”

When you hear or read statements like this from a member of Congress, a staffer at CMS or the White House, or a well-intended healthcare research expert, how does that make you feel? I know I feel a strong sense of frustration and disappointment.

Setting a minimum staffing requirement in no way assures there will be enough staff to address the needs of older adults needing skilled nursing care. It is “political theater” at best, and at its worst, it further endangers the ability of providers to best meet the needs of present and future residents.




April 14, 2023


Xanthopoulos, Joe. “Minimum Staffing Requirement: Thank You?” McKnight’s Long-Term Care News, 14 Apr. 2023,

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