Payroll Based Journal Policy Manual v 2.5 (Oct 2018)

VERSION: PBJ Policy Manual v2.5
PUBLISHED: October 2018
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After a full calendar year with no changes, the CMS Policy Manual was updated in October 2018 to version 2.5. Version 2.5 lasted almost four years before the next update to 2.6 in 2022.  Updates in this version included:

  • Reminder that the PBJ system will not accept submissions after the deadline.
  • Created a definition of required Meal times deductions based on hours worked and staff type.
  • Add rules for Universal Care Workers that provide both CNA and non-CNA services.
  • Further defined the job roles of Medical Director, Paid Feeding Assistant and Qualified Activities Professional.

A substantially long description of required meal breaks was included in this version to eliminate confusion and any arbitrariness in the removal of meal breaks time from reported paid and worked hours.

Open PBJ Policy Manual v 2.5