your payroll-based journal headquarters

PBJ Central

The team at PBJ Central is dedicated to ensuring accurate & complete payroll-based journal reporting. Join the community of PBJ experts and master PBJ by:

DISCOVERING the PBJ policy archives library, latest news & PBJ vendors

LEARNING from exclusive online payroll-based journal training courses

ACHIEVING perfect PBJ submissions with soon released PBJ Scrubber tools

What is Payroll-Based Journal?

Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) is a system for tracking staffing levels & hours worked in nursing homes. PBJ is used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to monitor & ensure compliance with federal staffing regulations.

CMS identifies staffing as a vital component of a nursing homeโ€™s ability to provide quality care. Staffing levels & turnover measures are posted on CMS Care Compare & used to categorize skilled facilities into a Five Star rating system.

How Can I Learn More About PBJ?

Since its launch in 2015, the Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) program continues to expand and is increasingly used to enforce staffing compliance in skilled nursing facilities.ย  Discover the policies and rules in our PBJ Library, get regular PBJ updates by subscribing to our News Alerts, or find a PBJ partner in our exclusive PBJ Vendor directory.



PBJ Library

Research Payroll-Based Journal regulations, policies and rules in our exclusive archives of PBJ Policy Manuals, Five Star User guides, CMS memorandums, and research studies.


PBJ News

Read about the latest changes in PBJ policies and understand regulators and industry perspectives with the latest payroll-based journal news from across the industry.


PBJ Vendor Directory

Find software and service suppliers that support Payroll-Based Journal reporting and data preparation in our exclusive directory.

How Can I Become a PBJ Expert?

These exclusive PBJ courses simplify the challenges of PBJ reporting issues encountered every quarter by nursing homes. Finance, payroll & quality teams must compile, clean, check & submit PBJ reports while staying compliant with PBJ requirements like mandatory lunch breaks, calendar day reporting, & special rules for exempt & contract hours.



PBJ Academy

Learn everything you need to know about Payroll-Based Journal reporting with PBJ Central’s online training courses.

Understanding Five Star Staffing Ratings

Learn how to calculate the staffing five star rating & what causes five star ratings to change

Fundamentals of Payroll-Based Journal

Get an introduction to the PBJ program and specifics of how PBJ is set up & managed

PBJ Data Requirements & System Setup

Understand the intricacies of PBJ reporting with a thorough and easy-to-follow guide

Surviving a PBJ Audit & Data Issues

Preview the PBJ audit process and gain tips to stay PBJ compliant

Can I Improve My PBJ Reporting?

Every quarter another PBJ report comes due, and reporting staff once again compile, cleanse, error-check and submit PBJ staffing hours.ย  Its a time-consuming process for many, and requires double-checking to ensure no valid hours are missed. Our new PBJ Scrubber software aims to reduce this effort, and increase confidence in the final submissions.ย  Coming soon!



PBJ Scrubber Software

Find and fix your staffing data to improve PBJ submissions. PBJ Scrubber software brings new ways to quickly identify data issues & ensure an accurate & complete quarterly submission to CMS.

Join the Waitlist

Get notified when PBJ Scrubber is launched. Initial evaluators receive early-bird pricing for life!

Who is PBJ Central?

Our PBJ experts have trained & supported skilled nursing facilities with payroll-based journal reporting & the staffing five star since the beginning of PBJ in 2015. We have helped thousands of SNF’s prepare, analyze & submit PBJ reports.